Friday, August 14, 2009

Broken Things and Gumball Machines

Once upon a time I had an apothecary jar that sat on a shelf in my sewing room. I used it to display pretty spools of vintage thread that I had purchased at my favorite thrift store.

Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago, B knocked it from the shelf while moving something and it shattered into a million little pieces.

I was so sad, I loved my little jar full of pretty threads.

Then inspiration struck. The gumball machine was sitting on my cutting table in my fabric room and it occured to me that it would look SO CUTE with vintage threads in it. I was so anxious to try my idea out that I didn't even take time to clean it.

Isn't it lovely? I adore it. Now I have to take it back apart, clean it, then put it all back together again. It looks kinda empty, I think I need more thread =0)


**MIGNONNE** said...

You most definitely need more thread! Have fun shopping! ;)

Julie said...

That is such a cute idea! Sometimes things happen for a reason.